I am deep into some longer-term projects right now. So today (21 May) , I am passing on a terrific column by fellow Substacker Jonathan Cook … and saying thank you to a few people.
Overnight BBC News is reporting:
‘Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has angrily condemned the International Criminal Court's prosecutor for seeking arrest warrants for him alongside Hamas's leaders over alleged war crimes in the Gaza conflict.
Mr Netanyahu said he rejected with disgust that "democratic Israel" had been compared with what he called "mass murderers".’
Jonathan Cook has sent out an excellent rejoinder overnight that begins:
‘There is one thing we should all be able to agree with Benjamin Netanyahu on: Any comparison between Israel's war crimes and those of Hamas is, as the Israeli prime minister put it, "absurd and false" and a "distortion of reality".’ The column continues
Here also is a recent interview with prize-winning US journalist Chris Hedges on Gaza and strategy for the anti-war movement. The interview was set up by a group called “On Strike” who is rallying under the call: “We need a new party.” That sounds like a good slogan for this side of the Atlantic as well.
Researching, writing, and distributing THE LEFT LANE every week is not what I would call an arduous task, but it does keep me on my proverbial toes. A few thank- yous are in order.
THE LEFT LANE was never conceived of as a one-person writing project and Holly Donovan is one of several people who have stepped up to write articles. In the past five weeks alone, Holly has written Help us Help Razan and “DPAC is all about hope” Thanks also to Ian Glenister, Phil Pope, and Gregor Gall for their pieces and to Joe Kabat, Glyn Goodwin and Luis Arroyo for their graphics and photographic contributions. We are always on the look for writers; contact us at: theleftlanepolitics@gmail.com
My friend Dawn has given THE LEFT LANE X/ Twitter account a real boost since she took it over. Do become a follower.
I think Aino Vaananen does a great job each week on the layout and design of THE LEFT LANE. Aino is also as documentary photographer. Here is the link to Aino’s website and her Instagram account where you can view more examples of her stunning work.
Ice fishing on the Gulf of Bothnia
And special thanks to three other most welcomed supporters of THE LEFT LANE: My son Jasper, who soon will be having his 37th birthday, my son Alex, who had his 39th birthday yesterday, and my very special sweetheart Caroline who has one in the 70s next week. Love Dad/ Alan xxx
Edited by Alan Story, The Left Lane is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber: http://theleftlane2024.substack.com/subscribe
You can reach us at: theleftlanepolitics@gmail.com