A helpful comment on Facebook: "June Jowers

Top contributor

Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. Labour has been in power just three months and buyer regret is increasing. The Labour Party and the Tory Party are almost one. Whoever wins the Tory leadership will move the party even more to the right. Where will Labour go then? So a new party? A new national organisation? Which one? One thing is clear, if anything is to be achieved, those differences in the positions of Schneider and Feinstein will need to be resolved sooner rather than later or people in those silos will still remain apart."

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As a 68 yr old politics lite bloke who has always been “moderately” Labour/Left wing, I was really hopeful when Corbyn became leader. His sidelining and eventual ousting from the party very nearly made me cry with frustration.

I read this and again, have a little hope for the future. It’s all sounding a little nebulous at the moment, but it has to start from somewhere - and this shows there is exactly that - a start. Thank you, I look forward to reading of the progress being made, and the eventual restoration of a caring world not based on greed.

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"Nebulous" is a good word to describe the situation. Among other things, building a new party will require: a) a strong, but accountable, leadership; b) an engaged and informed grassroots. At the moment, this new party project has neither in my opinion.

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