Nicole raises some great issues, especially AI: how to synthesise all these into a strategy is a mammoth undertaking...worth doing though

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A good article full of energy, enthusiasm and optimism. Such ideas can develop the virtues of altruism, care and kindness present in each of us to help build a better, sharing society based not on greed, tribalism and control, but on justice, peace and environmental respect.

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This contribution misses out the international dimension of communism and the catastrophic consequences of stalinist/ maoist revisionist 'socialism in one country '.

Not surprisingly, it also totally misses out the planetary threat of global warming which demands an equally international solution.

Furthermore, it ignores the impact of new technologies on the very notion of work ( and possibly " class" in the 19th century classic marxian early capitalist definition ) with its threats to trade unionism and increased inequalities between organized labour, casual labour, people working in public sevices , and self employment.

Finally, we cannot ignore Artificial Intelligence which is about to revolutionize practically every aspects of global and regional economies as well as how we communicate and live with each others.

Any new, progressive political 'project' must embrace dialectical materialism as a tool of analysis ( as opposed to a mechanical interpretation and/ or , worse still., a post modernist version of Marxism ) as well as ecology as a praxis.

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Sorry you don't like the article Nicole. I can think of least 25 issues that are not discussed in this article ... or in Part 2 that I am now editing. And lots of the issues that are mentioned are covered in a very elementary way. But you may misunderstand the audience or the purpose of this piece. THE LEFT LANE is not NEW LEFT REVIEW.

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You make some important points, Nicole, some of which are touched upon in Part Two (e.g. Internationalism, Climate Change), which I hope you read. None of the points are developed because that should be a matter for collective discussion. I very much agree with you about the importance of dialectical materialism as an analytical tool rather than a supposed body of revealed truth.

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Thanks . Bottom line, my view is that we have to think outside the box in many ways and become more like ' disrupters' on the left in the first instance if we are to create something new..

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